animal communcation dog on mobile

Animal Communication

Animals can and do communicate to us but it's a silent language unlike how humans communicate which is mostly verbally. It involves the direct transmission of feelings, emotions, intentions, thoughts, mental images, impressions, sensations, and "a knowing".
Being able to telepathically communication boosts your understanding, joy and richness possible in relationships between companion animals and humans.
Questions about your animal companion's health, their attitudes towards other family members both human and other animals, performance in the competitive arena, behaviour and environment are all welcome. The most important thing is to have an open mind. You must be willing to hear information from your animal companion that you may not want to hear. No background information is required. I can find out things like how they feel about life, their purposes, concerns, attitudes, or enjoyments, but a reading is facilitated by you asking specific questions that are important to you.
You may see a positive change in your animal companion after the reading. They really appreciate us listening to them and if you can adjust to the things they have asked for they realise that you do care about their wants and needs. That alone can have a positive change in their behaviour and attitude. Please note: There is no guarantee that the behaviour of an animal or the situation alters to the way you want it as this requires the willingness of the animal. They'll listen to you but the change in their behaviour is ultimately their choice. 

Animal Sessions

*All These Sessions Are Done Remotely
dog at desk
Animal Communication Session
Standard Reading for One Pet  

Includes an email transcript
60mins Live Chat

destructive border collie
Animal Communication Session Stat!
ASAP Reading for One Pet

Includes an email transcript
30mins Live Chat

animal communication group reading
Animal Communication Group Session
Two to Four Pet's

Includes an email transcript
60mins Live Chat

Animal Communication + Healing Session
Comprehensive Session

Receive your animal's translated thoughts and feelings with an energy healing session
Includes transcript for One Pet
60mins Live Chat

Animal Communication Reading for Horses
Animal Communication &/or Healing Follow Up
Check Up Session 

Book a follow up session to continue to support your animal's healing journey.  
Includes an email transcript for One Pet
30mins Live Chat

cat healing
Healing Energy Balance Session
To Balance and Harmonise

Balance excessive & deficient energy. Identify blockages to release and transmute.
Includes transcript for One Pet
30mins Live Chat

Animals at the Rainbow Bridge
Animal Communication Reading - Pet In Spirit
Ask Up To 5  Questions

To connect with a pet that has passed to help you deal with the grief and sadness. Includes transcript
60mins Live Chat

horse trailer cartoon
Emotional Reset Therapy
Identify - Release - Transmute

Innerstand how blocked emotions and energy imbalances can effect the health of your pet
60mins Live Chat

Healy frequencies for animals
Healy Frequencies For Animals
holistic health + wellbeing

Have your pet's bioenergetic field analysed to then have specific frequencies sent into the quantum field to help facilitate healing and wellness
60mins Live Chat

About Animal Communication + Healing Sessions

Payment is required upfront before an animal communication or healing session is made. Once I have received your email with all the necessary information (see below), I will connect with your animal and have a conversation with them.
The reading is done with your animal prior to our Live Chat at the arranged time. Include the following information in your email:

1/. Two clear photos​​ - one of your animal's head, showing the eyes clearly and the other photo showing the whole body
2/. Name, age, sex and breed
3/. Questions about your animal can be asked prior to the Live Chat

4/. A day and time that's convenient for our Live Chat. This time will be allocated to you where you will receive an email reminder 24 hours prior

Questions about health, mental state, competing and performance, behaviour and environment are all welcome.

Why do you... (e.g. show aggressive behaviour/won't go in the car)​?
What can I do to make your life better?
Is there anything you like/dislike?
Are you in pain? 
Read more examples on what to ask... 

Live Chat

I do readings &/or healings with your animal prior to the scheduled Live Chat call.  You will receive an email with a 24 hour reminder and a separate email on the link to use so that I can share with you the findings. Some of the things animals say don't make sense to me and need to be shared on the Live Chat. Therefore clarification and confirmation is needed. Please take your own notes during the call. 
After the Live Chat has ended I can add any details or information on what was discussed to your animal's transcript and then I can email you a copy. 
When attending the call respect the time we have together and try to limit any possible distractions. Be in a room with your (small) animal where noise is limited and there's no one constantly walking in the background. 
Get onto the Live Chat link 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled time so that you can check the audio and video is working. 

N.B. - No recording permitted in Live Chat sessions. 

Animal Communication Session - 1 Pet 

Animal communication is a wonderful way to get a deeper understanding of your Animal and to build a stronger connection. Animals are like us too!  They have personalities showing individual characteristics and experience emotions of happiness, sadness, excitement and anxiety throughout their lives.
What's included: a transcript of the session emailed to you after the Live Chat 
$150.00 ---> PAY WITH PAYPAL

Animal Communication Session - 1 Pet 

This session is to identify any concerns or sudden changes that are occurring in the home and how your pet is reacting. It's a more specific enquiry into the animal's thoughts, feelings and worries that may be affecting them currently and it's needed "Stat!". 
What's included: a transcript of the session emailed to you after the Live Chat  
$100.00 ---> PAY WITH PAYPAL 

Animal Communication Group Session - 2 to 4 Pets 

This session is for anyone wishing to communicate with 2 to 4 pets in the one reading on general matters. We can begin with asking 1 to 3 specific questions per pet and then continue with what needs to be discussed within the set time. I spend about 15-20 mins with each pet, so it's important to be specific with your questions.
What's included: a transcript of the session emailed to you after the Live Chat 
$150.00 ---> PAY WITH PAYPAL

Animal Communication + Healing Session  - 1 Pet 

This session package is pawfect for an animal that has an issue and where an animal communication session with a healing would be beneficial ie: you would like to get an understanding of your pet and what is happening, then from the findings a healing session can proceed to offer them help and support.
What's included: a transcript of the session emailed to you after the Live Chat
$170.00 ---> PAY WITH PAYPAL

Animal Communication/Healing Session - 1 Pet 

This session is a follow up to a prior animal communication session including a "Stat Reading",  "Standard Reading", "Complete Healing + Reading Package" or a "Healing Energy Balance Session". A Follow Up session is available up to 4 weeks from any of the above sessions. 
What's included: a transcript of the session emailed to you after the Live Chat
$80.00 ---> PAY WITH PAYPAL

Animal Healing Session - 1 Pet 

This session covers a remote energy healing which focuses on their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. A healing session can assist in rebalancing your pets body and allow it to naturally bring about a state of equilibrium and alignment.
What's included: a transcript of the session emailed to you after the Live Chat
$80.00 ---> PAY WITH PAYPAL

Animal Communication Session - 1 Pet 

Whether you have had a pet recently go to the rainbow bridge or it's been a number of years, this animal communication reading for a Pet in Spirit may comfort you with your loss, sadness and grief. Are you in need of answers to help you heal and find peace with their passing? Connect with your pet from the other side of the veil to find out what messages they can share with you now!
What's included: a transcript of the session emailed to you after the Live Chat
$150.00 ---> PAY WITH PAYPAL

Emotional Reset Therapy - 1 Pet 

ERT Sessions provides a unique holistic energetic re-balance where blocked emotions and energy imbalances can be identified and then released. These blockages can be from past trauma, absorbed from other animals or humans in the household or passed on from ancestral family. 
What's included: an email with PDF's attached of your animal's identified blocked emotions and energy imbalances.
1st session $90.00 ---> PAY WITH PAYPAL 
≤4 weeks follow up $80 ---> PAY WITH PAYPAL
≥4 weeks follow up $90 ---> PAY WITH PAYPAL

Quantum Healing For Animals - 1 pet 

Uncover the healing benefits of Healy for Animals. Frequencies from a health giving advanced technology device that can analyse your pet in the quantum field that can then send specific and beneficial frequencies to their unique biofield. Often invisible to the physical eye, bioenergetic imbalances can silently affect your pet's state of being so it's crucial to act before they can lead to discomfort. 
What's needed: Animal's name | date of birth (if known) | home address | type of animal | one clear photo of your animal's face | your email address. 
What's included: an email with PDF's attached of your animal's analysis and information on frequencies sent
$80.00 ---> PAY WITH PAYPAL

Ideas On What Questions To Ask In An Animal Communication Session

Are you happy?
Do you like your name?
Is there something I can do to make you happier?
How can I improve your quality of life?
What do you need from me to help build trust?
How would you feel about a new animal joining the family?
Do you have any pain or discomfort in your body?
Do you need assistance to cross over?
Why do you pee inside the house?
Do you need to visit the vet?
Do you know we love you?
Why won’t you use the litter tray?
Do you like your food / water / bed / yard?
Is there anything you'd like to tell us?
If there is spare time in the session, you can ask any additional questions that may come up.

Legal Information

Sessions including Animal Communication, Energy Healing and Combined Animal Communication with Energy Healing are not to replace medical, veterinary or other health care practitioner advice. Always seek professional medical care first if you are concerned about the welfare of your animal.

Which Session Should I Book For My Pet?

If you are unsure or confused about which session would be an ideal fit for your pet then please email me with more information about what's going on. I can then suggest a session so that I can address and solve what your pet is experiencing and what they are attempting to communicate to you.

Using Live Chat For Session Calls

When booking the reading, you can choose a suitable time for our session call. Depending on which session you have paid for your call will be scheduled for the duration of time specified when booking. 
These calls can be made using Facebook Messenger Live, Google Meet or by a link I'll send you.  

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